This was authorized as a sole source procurement with no competition?! This is insanity. This stinks of an inside boondoggle for a political crone. Does FMG have ties to any of the Houston Dem candidates or just through the DNC? There has to be a thread there to pull.

I also love that these guys have work evaluating DOD recruitment. Do you really need a PHD to see that the politicization of the military and the vax debacle has run off legions of able and experienced soldiers? Maybe Soy Karim is putting recommendations in play to weaken America? Everything woke turns to.....

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This is scary. Harris County is now using military Psychological Operations, or PSYOP, against the citizens. PSYOP is such a powerful weapon, that the military is prohibited from using it on their own service members. The Dems have progressed from giving kickbacks to their local cronies to calling in the pros from inside the DC beltway.

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